What is Dopday?

Who doesn’t want to smile everyday?  If given the opportunity to smile everyday, would you take it?  This is what Dopday Marketing is for me… but let me give you some background.

I have been blessed to work for some interesting and amazing companies.  Blessed because though every day wasn’t perfect, I was able to learn my craft.  I was able to imagine, develop, manage and report on campaigns and projects that had a direct impact on sales, profit, memberships… you name it!   I presided over success and failure but always found a way to identify the silver lining… usually that I, my team and my company learned something valuable that could be applied with greater future success.  Even still, I was never really happy.

Then I had a baby and my relationship with my career had to change.  I no longer knew who I was in the work environment not to mention knowing who I was at home.  Everything I knew about myself was fundamentally different.  I loved the work I was able to do but hated the time away from my son that it represented.  I felt like being thrown into the middle of the ocean and told to swim in 2 directions at the same time.  No life preserver.  It seemed nearly impossible to be happy.

When my son was about 6 months old, he uttered the word: Dopday!

He followed this up with: Dopa-dopa-dopa-dopa-dopday!

At the time, I thought “WOW!  He’s talking!” but couldn’t decipher what Dopday meant.  It could have meant “Diaper full!” or “Hungry!” or “Mine!” or “Toes!” – he was six months old after all.

I decided it meant “I am having a wonderful time!”

Whenever Wesley would say “Dopday!” he smiled.  So did I.  I would say “Dopday!” to him.  He would smile too.  You can’t say “Dopday!” without smiling.  I dare you.


When I say “Dopday!” to Wesley now, he smiles.  So do I.


I stopped looking for happiness working for someone else.  I decided to start my own consulting company because I believe that I can add value to more than just the one company at a time.


Wesley Oscar Neuman

I started my own consulting company because I want to smile everyday

and make other people smile with the work that I do for them.


I am having a wonderful time!  …and also, Toes!

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